We started the day by going to the
Pudiun to pickup the instruments. At this point in the trip the culture shock started to wear off and I began to see all the things that reminded me of home. I would look at something and realize I could be back in Oregon under the same fluffy cloud studded blue-

At Public School #14 we set up the marimbas and immediately attracted attention.

The kids in the school had a fair amount of freedom and so they began mulling around excited by the change in the routine.
XuMei and
Xander are practicing the piece the
Maharimbas were teaching at the Master Class.

The school.

The play equipment was dangerously high and set over concrete.

Notice the blue/gray fence around the back of the grounds. Read more about it
here. Or here:
C-USCA SUPPORTS PUBLIC SCHOOL #14 WITH A NEW FENCEThe Corvallis-Uzhgorod Sister Cities Association board recently voted to approve the allocation of $9000 to purchase a new fence at Public School #14 in Uzhgorod. Currently, the playground for the school is unfenced and used as a pathway for the public. This often creates an unsafe environment for the children when some of those public members may be drunk or hostile. The fence will give these children room to play soccer and other sports in a safe location. We thank the C-USCA for this support of Public School #14.

Just on the other side of this gate is a permanent Roma camp.

XuMei and this little girl started smiling at each other and playing games. All without a single word.

Oh it was fun to be able to climb high!

Happy girls.

My monkey boy!

The school administrators invited us in for a tour and to show us their classrooms. Here the students demonstrated their English skills. They told us they used to teach German in the school but switched to English when the
T.O.U.C.H. (Take One Ukrainian Child's Hand) Program began funding them.

They danced for us.

This young woman is 16. Her Grandmother sat next to me. She was so proud. Jack (band member) told us he heard that she was betrothed to be married.

When we went back outside to play I noticed these guys smoking on the playground.

I didn't know what they were saying but it seemed like they wanted the little guy to leave and he wouldn't.

When the band started playing the atmosphere changed.

These three cuties caught my eye. They were shy at first.

But soon they warmed up to the fun of the music.


The energy was electric. The music made people move. It dissolved fear and made people smile.

Pretty soon everyone was dancing.

Rampton and his wife Alice (co-founder of
T.O.U.C.H.) did the west coast swing.

T.O.U.C.H. folks swinging.

XuMei and Vita smiling down on the crowd.

After we played for them they fed us:

This is the Roma camp just outside the gate of the school.

The kids seem to just wander from home to the school whenever they want.

We packed ourselves and the marimbas into a van borrowed from the Rehabilitation Center. The driver, Igor, was always helpful and friendly while trying to corral all of us and our stuff.

Hailey, Jack, Chris and
Liesl above. Jolene squished below.
Xander, Theresa, Vita, and Ira laughing while Igor navigates the streets of

Meanwhile back at the
Padiun, the walls were covered in student artwork.

While Xander and XuMei grew increasingly comfortable here I perused the art.

The "Master Class".

Sara is showing a rhythm to 3 students while Lisa translates. The music was so infectious that random people who were passing by would begin playing. There were moments when band members weren't sure who had paid to take the class and who hadn't. Logan and Liesl with 5 students on a marimba:

The music had a pull but so did Logan. He began to have a gaggle of girls around most of the time.
Then while the instruments were transported to the next gig we walked along the Uzh.

It looked so much like Corvallis. I could just pretend like I was home. The same flowers, the same trees, the same sky.

The river.

Approaching the park where they will play.

Set up and begin.

This was a restaurant with outdoor seating next to a park with rides. The giant blow-up slide was up and running but all the other rides were closed. We slid and slid, laughing and sweating until XuMei realized she'd rubbed the skin off her ankles!! Time to take a break and listen to the music.

The band was exhausted but Hank managed to ramp up the energy one last time.

They fed us bolgrach and cognac to warm us up and we all had a fabulous time.
Borsht is a very traditional soup and we had plenty of it and it was delicious but I had never heard of Bolgrach and loved it. Also it was hard to find a recipe for it. So here it is:
-- 2 onions, chopped
-- 1/4 cup cooking oil (peanut preferred)
-- 2 Tbs paprika
-- 2 lbs. beef, cubed
-- salt
-- 1 Tbs caraway seed
-- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
-- 3 Tbs warm water
-- 1-2 lbs. potatoes cubed
-- 1 bell pepper, chopped
-- 1 medium tomato, chopped
1. Saute onion in oil until soft, lower heat,
add paprika, stir well and heat 5 min.
2. Add beef, season with salt and cook until meat
takes on color and juices evaporate
3. Add caraway, garlic, ant water, cover, simmer
slowly stirring occasionally, up to 2 hours.
Add water if necessary in small amounts.
5. Add potatoes and simmer 10 min.
6. Add peppers and tomatoes and simmer 5 min.
7. Add just enough water to just cover meat and potatoes,
cook until meat and potatoes done.
Total cooking about 3 hours.
From: "Sabotin Peace Park Cook Book"
(Thanks to Chris, Steve and Jolene)
I don't think they mean "ant water" in step 3. At least, I hope not.
Every night the band would meet in the hotel conference room to go over the next days schedule. Usually the kids and I would just hang in our room but tonight they wanted to see what Daddy did so we went to the meeting.
The band meeting:

Meetings are meetings no matter the country. :)